Sunday, October 12, 2008

I am a voyeur!!!!

Well It is official, I have decided I am a voyeur, NO, I don't mean in a perverted way but I do love to look at other people's blogs. I found a great thing at the top of blogspot blogs, next blog. You go to the newest updated blog. It is really cool. You see some interesting stuff out there. I tried one day to see how long it would take to find someone I know or to find someone from Utah. It did not take long to find a family from Utah. It is fun just to read, see what these people are doing. By doing this you can really see what people are doing and what is going on in their lives. Anyway, it is fun to do and a great way to waste time at work :)


user said...

Oh yeah, that's what I need. Another internet time suck.

But you know I'm going to try it.

Maursupial said...

Me too. I'm ashamed, but me too.

Maursupial said...

I totally did this today. It was fun.

Melodie said...

Hoss?!? It's me, Melodie! I've noticed your comments on Maury and Melissa's blogs, but wasn't 100% sure it was you until you posted pictures (yes, I have "lurked" on your blog a few times -- doesn't that sound creepy? But apparently that is blog lingo for reading a blog without commenting). Come visit my blog any time! In fact, maybe you have come across it already playing this fun game that I will have to try out!