Well, the election is over and I am so glad. I was so sick and tired of these commercial on TV every 5 seconds. Obama's win is a very historic and monumental moment and I do not want to take away from that. But I would like to take some time to vent about the party I support. The Republicans blew it! I don't mean this year but 8 years ago. It happened when we let the religious right take over the party. When "W" ran 8 years ago, he ran as a compassionate conservative, someone who would work with both parties. He told us he was going to be a conservative that cared about social issues. Well, that did not happen. 9/11 changed the nation and the Bush Presidency. He gave up all of those principals (which he did follow in Texas) and ran a crusade to fix the Muslim world and moved to the far right. This movement changed the party, we used it as our excuse to do everything and it dominated our policies. We used it as our excuse to intimidate others and punish those who don't want to do what we want. Bush screwed up our international relations, economics, and etc, all for the religious right. We alienated whole groups of people. He never lived up to the way he ran his campaign
This election was about change and ending the Bush policies. Obama is young, energetic, calm, and a great speaker. The GOP could not match it. We were too beholden to the religious right, we are not capable of accepting people who are different. I hate that about the Republican Party.
When Collin Powell said he was voting for Obama he said he was doing it because the republican party has lost its way and I could not agree more. We screwed it all up and we deserved to lose like we did. We need someone young to change our party and we need to return to the center. We need to be accepting of others and allow diversity in our party. Somehow the Democrats were able to do that, why could we not do the same? I hope and pray this loss will allow the party to regroup and change for the better.
Congrats to the Obama supporters out there, I hope he is able to lead this country the right way and keeps to the center, we don't need another President going off the deep end.
God Bless the USA
Very well stated, Freddy.
As an Obama supporter, thanks for the congrats. As an American, I agree with you--although I wasn't a big fan of W in 2000 either. At that time (even as a Dem) I thought McCain was the strongest candidate out there. It was frightening to watch him sell his soul to the far right. Colin Powell's endorsement was the most insightful, rational assessment of our country I've heard in years. I hope the Republican party does take this loss as an opportunity to clean house. Although I think Sarah Palin could be the best thing to ever happen to the Democratic Party, I hope for all of us that she is not the future of the Republican Party.
Okay, hope I didn't overstay my welcome. I'm going to zip it now.
Thanks Melissa, I appreciate your comments. You are right about Palin, if she is the future, we are in trouble.
Well written and very thoughtful commentary. I loved this. Thank you Freddy. You've just written eloquently why I can't really call myself a Republican any longer.
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