Okay, for those of you who don't know I am a bit of a Christmas Light Nazi. Christmas Lights should be full of color and not done half assed. 1st here is a good example taken at the University Club in DC

Notice how the lights cover the trees and the bushes . It is tastefully done. On the other hand, along the same property is the worst light display ever.

What makes this bad is that only the trunk and 2 limbs are covered in lights. Come on here. You can do more than that.
Another bad light display is at the National Education Association (NEA) Building, Sorry Maury. You would think with union workers they could put something together that was good. But it sucks

You don't put icicle lights up on a tree. Ugh it makes me so mad I could just scream.
Anyway, lights should be tastefully done but some of this stuff sucks.
BTW, here is one more Pretty shot of Washington DC at Christmas time.

The NEA should be ashamed of themselves!!! What are my union dues paying for anyway?! ;)
Oh, you crack me up!!! But I completely agree: icicle lights on a Christmas tree?? Who does that?
Danny wants to know if you paid prevailing wage to the workers who put up your lights. ;)
I did not, I used illegal workers I picked up not far from my house :)
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