Thursday, May 14, 2009

What I learned from therapy

So, anyone who knows me, knows I have a lot of anxiety and a lot of issues. To cure that problem I have been seeing a psychiatrist and a psychologist. I have been seeing my therapist for a few months now and I have learned a lot about myself. The top being:
  1. I am very needy
  2. I think way too much
  3. I set unreasonable expectations
  4. I really think a lot of myself and people should do everything the same way I do
  5. I exhibit irrational behavior
  6. I am very suspicious and paranoid
  7. and I am definitely crazy

But so far therapy has been very helpful, but so has the prozac. I am realizing my mistakes and I am trying to fix them. It helps that I have good friends, who are a lot like me, and can be a good sounding board. Thanks for putting up with me, I do appreciate it.


Mycket said...

Here are some other things that you have yet to learn:
1) You are much loved.
2) Your 'lessons' are always helpful, if even not remembered.
3) You are trying to make yourself a better person. FEW people can say that.
4) You are not crazy. You are just learning to curb a few extremes. Which is good for everyone.
5) Again, you are much loved.
I am proud of you. I know it's not super easy, but I know it's worth it in the long run.

Freddy said...

Thanks friend, I appreciate it.

Maursupial said...

I'm with Mycket. I was going to give you a list, but she beat me to it. You are WONDERFUL and I'm proud of you for working on your stuff. We all have the crazy, but not all of us deal with it. Love you!!

Melissa said...

Isn't therapy fabulous? I'm a fan!

Self-realization can be a pain in the butt and I applaud you for continuing the process. (holy crap, did that sound new agey or what???)

You're not're special! ;) And, like Carren said, you are much loved.

Freddy said...

Thanks Maury and Melissa. Sometimes I always think the grass is greener on the other side and I want what I don't have. I keep forgetting I have good friends. Thanks Ladies, I appreciate it, even the new age stuff :)

Jillian said...

You think I could just post this on my own blog as a description of myself? That'd be great. Thanks.