Tuesday, January 19, 2010

I'm Just Saying . . .

Okay, so I know it has been a while since I have posted but I don't really have anything good to say, so I have avoided the blogosphere. But today, the country has been saved. We finally have a balance in our country. Thank you Scott Brown for winning tonight. We can now force the democrats to negotiate and make some of these bills of theirs more bi-partisan. I think we need to redo health care, but this current bill is not the way to do it. I hope the Democrats don't pull a fast one and pass the Senate bill to avoid Senator Brown.


Mycket said...

Ah, I have missed you, friend.

Maursupial said...


Nikolas said...

blog muito bom visite o meu tambem ^^ quem sabe agente faz uma parceria http://world-allife.blogspot.com/