Saturday, December 27, 2008

What is this world coming to!

Okay, so I dont know what is wrong with society but this is freaking disturbing. This happened on Christmas Day.

A South Philadelphia man enraged because a father and son were talking during a Christmas showing of The Curious Case of Benjamin Button took care of the situation when he pulled a .380-caliber gun and shot the father, police said.

To read more, see the article below.

On the other hand this happend in Utah, a dog stole a bone at Smiths.

See below for article and video.

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Merry Christmas

I want to wish you and yours a Merry Christmas. I hope you all have a great day and Santa brings you everything you want.

Love you all,


Sunday, December 21, 2008

My favorite day of the year

I am so happy that today is the winter solstice. It means that the days cannot get shorter and can only get longer. It also means we are headed for warmer weather. Oh I love it!!!!!

Enjoy the shortest day of the year, it is our last one for a another year.

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Christmas Lights, what not to do

Okay, for those of you who don't know I am a bit of a Christmas Light Nazi. Christmas Lights should be full of color and not done half assed. 1st here is a good example taken at the University Club in DC

Notice how the lights cover the trees and the bushes . It is tastefully done. On the other hand, along the same property is the worst light display ever.

What makes this bad is that only the trunk and 2 limbs are covered in lights. Come on here. You can do more than that.

Another bad light display is at the National Education Association (NEA) Building, Sorry Maury. You would think with union workers they could put something together that was good. But it sucks

You don't put icicle lights up on a tree. Ugh it makes me so mad I could just scream.

Anyway, lights should be tastefully done but some of this stuff sucks.

BTW, here is one more Pretty shot of Washington DC at Christmas time.

Monday, December 8, 2008

Here is my favorite Old Navy Commercial!

Merry Christmas

Here I am enjoying my two gifts from my parents. I was so happy to get my Kitchen Aid Mixer and Food Processor. I made cookies and sliced sweet potatoes to make chips. Anyway, thanks a lot Mom and Dad!