Monday, January 26, 2009

Fly First Class

So, I did not get selected for jury duty. That is okay, it was a robbery misdemeanor.

Anyway, my friend Kevin sent this to me. This is why you should always fly first class.

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Jury Duty

So, I got called up for Jury Duty. I have to serve tomorrow, Monday Jan 26th. I almost forgot to check on Friday to see if I had to go to court. I have been on a jury before, and I am not looking forward to being on another one. I know everyone says it would be great to be on a Jury as part of your civic duty but I hated it. Granted the trial I was on in Utah was for murder but it was still tough to do. I know I play a tough republican on crime but when it really comes down to it, it is hard to send someone to prison. I am just glad it was not a death penalty case. That would have killed me. Anyway, keep your fingers crossed for me that I don't get picked and that if I do get picked it is for a white collar crime like money laundering.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

It's Finally Over

Well, after over 2 years of campaigning and a tough election it is finally over. We are finished hearing about CHANGE!!!!!!!! Barack Hussein Obama is now the 44th President of the United States. Now any mistakes that are made are of President Obama's making. I really don't wish anything bad happen to him, even I am not that bitter of a Republican, but Obama cannot use Bush as the excuse for anything going wrong. It will be interesting joining the opposition, I have had a lot of practice with the Democratic majority in Congress, don't even get me started on them.

Anyway, Congratulations President Obama, this is a very historic moment and I am glad that I was alive when it happened. I hope our country can heal from the past 8 years and that Obama makes good choices. I really do want the best for this country and I think he has the skills to make a lot of positive changes. I am not a fan of big spending but I think we need it now. The auto industry among other industries need to change, our infrastructure is falling apart, and we need to repair our international image. I think Obama can do this well. He says that he is not beholden to special interests groups but only time will tell what he does when the unions come asking for help since they helped him get elected.

Once again, it is over, we won't have to hear about Change We Can Believe In anymore. He better bring it or he is out of office in 4 more years.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

This sums up the Inauguration

I saw this in the Washington Post this weekend and thought it was great. It totally sums up the Inauguration this coming week.

Here is the direct link to the Washington Post:

Good luck to any of you going to the Ceremony. It will be a tough day. Sorry for the sizing issue:(

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Be Prepared, Its D-Day

Okay, so the inauguration of Barack H. Obama is coming up in about 2 weeks. It is a very historic occasion and one worthy to note in history, but you are crazy to come to DC for the inauguration. First DC is going to be on lock down. 2nd, security is going to be unbelievable. The security perimeter zone is huge. 3rd, the entire world (ie the rest of the world outside of of DC) is going to be here. They are saying 3 to 4 million people are coming.

Here is a map of all the street closures,-77.010727&spn=0.05211,0.10849&z=13 I mean this is crazy. I am so glad my work is canceled because there is no way in hell I would try to get into the city. In fact I am leaving the city and going to Virginia Beach. If any of you are coming to DC I wish you luck, there is no way you will be able to get around.

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Happy New Year

I hope everyone had a Happy New Year. I am hoping that 2009 is much better than 2008. When I was a kid every New Years we did our New Years Resolutions. Here are mine!

  1. Continue to do well at work. I love what I do. I am excited because I have a couple of really big projects coming up this year. I think if I can do them well then they will be a good opportunities for me.

  2. Get into better shape. I always have a goal of losing weight and they have not worked well. But this year I really will do well. I want to lose about 20 or 30 lbs and 10% body fat. If I am lucky then I will look like this guy -
  3. Granted this means that I would have to reduce my age by 15 years, grow some extra hair on the head, and lose some hair on the chest and back but a goal is a goal no matter how impossible.

  4. Be a better friend. Keep in better contact with friends and do more with them. I really do have a good group of friends and I want to be a better friend to them.

  5. Be more charitable. I have a good job and I am lucky to have it. I am thankful everyday that I have this wonderful job. Because of that I feel that in 2009 I should do more to help those that are less fortunate. I am going to try to donate more money and give more of my time to others.
  6. Travel. I want to see more of the USA. I am hoping to go back to Utah this year and maybe travel to Erie, PA - Niagra Falls - Toronto. Why Erie, PA, I want to go to a Chick-fil-a that this guy use to own here in Silver Spring.
  7. Keep up with Blogging. Try to use it more as a journal of my life.

Anyway, I hope you all have a Happy New Year and good luck with your New Years Resolutions!