Sunday, June 15, 2008

Happy Fathers Day

Happy Fathers Day!!!! I was reminded yesterday of my dad when I was at Old Navy. I was patiently waiting in the one line, that I thought serviced both registers, to purchase my clothing items. The lady at the one of the registers finished and I thought would call the next person in line. I was wrong, in walked this lady (ie my dad) and asked if the register was open. The cashier, I guess not realizing that there was a huge (like 10 people) line that she was suppose to call from, she let the lady buy her clothing. The real kicker is that she did not have all of her items and had to run to get one more. Come on lady!!!! Anyway, my dad would do this all the time and we called it "trying to get on". His most famous "trying to get on" was on the golf course where at the last second he would show up at the golf course and hope that there was an opening. He was just trying to get on. Usually this would work and we were always amazed Love ya dad!!!!


Maursupial said...

Oh, so that's YOUR dad!

Mycket said...

Why aren't you blogging anymore???

Mycket said...