Saturday, November 1, 2008

Daylight Savings Time

I hope you all remember to change your clocks back an hour to end Daylight Savings Time. I did not know this, but Daylight Savings Times could really help us in the War on Terror. The Washington Post today had an article about how not all countries follow Daylight Savings. It told of an incident in Israel where not knowing about daylight savings time actually thwarted a terrorist attack. See the following:

"Back in 1999, terrorists on the daylight-saving West Bank built several time bombs, delivered to co-conspirators in Israel and scheduled to explode at a set time. Problem was, Israel had just switched back to standard time, so the only people injured were the terrorists themselves when the bomb detonated an hour earlier than they expected and killed them all. " Full article found at the following address:

See Daylight Savings Time really can help us win the War on Terror :)

1 comment:

Melissa said...

Well, that's a new way to look at it! Usually, I hate daylight savings time, but then again, we can't let the terrorists win! Ha!