Thursday, November 13, 2008

I cannot believe I just did that

Okay, so I admit I loved the movie Bring It On. It was cheesy and wonderful. A great movie to bring a smile to your face. So tonight I was flipping through the channels and I saw that Bring It On: All Or Nothing was on TV. So what did I do, I started to watch it, that was my downfall. I flipped between it and reruns of Friends. But as the night went on, I was watching more and more of Bring It On. Oh it was horrible, but I kept on watching it. I even had something to do towards the end so I paused it so I would not miss the ending. Oh, it was so bad, but I could not stop watching I was hooked. Anyway, I cannot believe I just did that.

1 comment:

Melissa said...

Sounds like you need to go take a shower.
(but yeah, I really like the original Bring It On, also!)