I hope everyone had a Happy New Year. I am hoping that 2009 is much better than 2008. When I was a kid every New Years we did our New Years Resolutions. Here are mine!
- Continue to do well at work. I love what I do. I am excited because I have a couple of really big projects coming up this year. I think if I can do them well then they will be a good opportunities for me.
- Get into better shape. I always have a goal of losing weight and they have not worked well. But this year I really will do well. I want to lose about 20 or 30 lbs and 10% body fat. If I am lucky then I will look like this guy -
- Be a better friend. Keep in better contact with friends and do more with them. I really do have a good group of friends and I want to be a better friend to them.
- Be more charitable. I have a good job and I am lucky to have it. I am thankful everyday that I have this wonderful job. Because of that I feel that in 2009 I should do more to help those that are less fortunate. I am going to try to donate more money and give more of my time to others.
- Travel. I want to see more of the USA. I am hoping to go back to Utah this year and maybe travel to Erie, PA - Niagra Falls - Toronto. Why Erie, PA, I want to go to a Chick-fil-a that this guy use to own here in Silver Spring.
- Keep up with Blogging. Try to use it more as a journal of my life.
Anyway, I hope you all have a Happy New Year and good luck with your New Years Resolutions!
hahahaaaa! Wonderful! Keep posting more pictures of what you hope to look like! :P
Nice photo; I think we all aspire to look like that...
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