Sunday, January 25, 2009

Jury Duty

So, I got called up for Jury Duty. I have to serve tomorrow, Monday Jan 26th. I almost forgot to check on Friday to see if I had to go to court. I have been on a jury before, and I am not looking forward to being on another one. I know everyone says it would be great to be on a Jury as part of your civic duty but I hated it. Granted the trial I was on in Utah was for murder but it was still tough to do. I know I play a tough republican on crime but when it really comes down to it, it is hard to send someone to prison. I am just glad it was not a death penalty case. That would have killed me. Anyway, keep your fingers crossed for me that I don't get picked and that if I do get picked it is for a white collar crime like money laundering.

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